Tuesday, March 23, 2010

awesome day to sleep in.

had a pathetic 2 hours or less sleep last night:( totally listless during work and i did a big mistake. careless me. aiyoyoyoyo. in anyway, work is over for today. hope everything goes well at work tmr.hoho

&& it's sucha nice weather to sleep in. though it's not rainy, the skies were dark and cloudy. had a 4hrs nap and i thought it was a bliss(: i feel happiness now. HAHA.

anyway, final grades were out. thank God for the grades even though i didn't fare well, but at least improved as compared from the first. (: officially waiting to grad now! HOHO.

i love kinder surprise!!! saw at cold storage after work and grabbed a box! &&& the coolest thing is, it's HIPPO toy in da egg! how perfect!!
so gonna get it again!! hopefully it wont be oos so soon!!!
I WANT MANY MANY TRAYS OF KINDER SURPRISE!!! ♥ yes. i am greedy(:(:(:


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