Saturday, April 03, 2010

rainy night.

woots. i love rainy days! it's so awesome and perfect to tuck yrself in bed and hide under the soft blanket(: soooo LOVE!

unfortunately, i can't enjoy this today. it started pouring when i was out for work and during my work? it was drizzling when i knocked off today. sucha cold night. i guess tonight will be a wonderful night to sleep in!(:

i've wasted my whole morning:( pretty upset for not doing what im supposed to do. to think that i set my alarm last night and to wake up early for it. damn thing.. im sucha disappointment. i need some self-discipline..
having said that, i woke up very early and rotted half of the entire day at home, and when it's time for work, i'm feeling very sleepy!:( no energy to work too. ha. how terrrrrrible!
feel like vomiting the whole day. why?

weee! i got to eat popeyes mashed potato after work! thanks sis for helping me to buy!(:


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