Tuesday, March 30, 2010


it's been awhile since i visited grandma on sundays. somehow, i missed her so much.
honestly, it's kinda bored gg to grandma's however, i think this shouldn't be the reason for us to not visit her.. other than doing nothing there, i've been caught up with work recently on sundays:( before i started working, i was caught up with revision and stuff. i'm sucha bad granddaughter.. grr.
i miss talking, joking and listening to her(: will visit her soooooooon!

work wasn't fun at all just now. monotonous style of working. quiet and cold. irks.
i'm getting bored down there and sometimes, i don't like it when some things happened. sigh.

i can't wait for the vacation!!(:
weee! sis sis will be taking me to pedicure soon(: soo love!

some things will be done pretty sooon(: let's just wait n see..


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